
“Yes, We do it all”

We remove spyware, adware, malware, trojans, virus, and any other nasties that bring you down. We tune up and optimize PCs, fix errors and more. We upgrade machines to make them faster or to give them more storage, video cards, monitors, etc. We replace laptop screens, hard drives, keyboards, wireless cards, chargers, batteries, and more! We set up wireless networks for both home and business. Data backup and restoration. We can unlock your PC when youforget your password. And many other useful things. Just drop us a line, and ask. We are always glad to help.



“Got Bugs”

Most of the time, your computer gets infected, with nasty spyware, and other viruses. We tackle this problem for people everyday. Viruses and Spyware can be tricky. Once infected, without the proper threat detection an removal software, your PC can be seriously damaged. Lest us help you become protected against these threats, so that you do not have this problem again. Take back your internet browser, and get back that lost speed. You will notice a serious increase in speed and performance after we have cleaned your machine free of bugs and tuned up or repaired your computer.


Are Your Precious Memories Backed Up?

We can also get information off of your infected or malfunctioning computer and save it to a disc, flash drive or external hard drive for you as well. “Don’t lose those precious memories like your family photos, or your favorite links, music videos, and documents.” If you have not had a hard drive crash on you yet, “you’re lucky.” Computer hardware will typically last about 3-5 years. If it is a store bought machine, you may only have 13 months to 2 years best, before hardware problems arise. Make sure your data is backed up safely somewhere, for when the day comes. Let us help you keep your favorite memories safe!

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